ARPQ Meets with Minister and Shadow Minister

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The main priority for ARPQ in 2021 is to ensure that action is taken by the Queensland Government to bring about reforms to the Residential Parks industry to ensure that the interests of Home Owners are better protected.

We recently took part in two significant meetings in pursuit of this goal.

The first of these was with the Minister for Communities, Housing, Digital Economy and the Arts, the Hon. Leanne Enoch MP; the Minister’s Senior Policy Adviser and the Executive Director, Regulatory Services within the Department of Housing.

Also present was Policy Advisor to the Attorney General the Hon Shannon Fentiman MP; who had helped to arrange the meeting.

ARPQ’s aim for the meeting was to ensure that the Minister had a clear understanding of the depth of the anxiety, frustration and anger being experienced by many Home Owners in respect to their relationship with Park Owners and the failure of the current legislation to protect their interests.

Most importantly we wanted to gain commitments from the Minister that a base line review of the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act (the Act) will be included in the Qld Housing Strategy Action Plan (2021-24) currently under preparation and that the voice of Home Owners will be heard in this process through the involvement of ARPQ.

We believe these goals were achieved.

The Minister informed us that action in respect to the Residential Parks sector will be included in the Plan.

However, she identified two competing issues:

• Urgent short-term action particularly in respect to site rent increases, and

• A longer more extensive review of the Act.

It was noted that ARPQ was already involved in any discussions on these matters and was assured that its involvement would continue.

In addition, we met with Mr Tim Mander MP, Shadow Minister for Housing, and discussed the many issues affecting homeowners in Residential Parks.

Although acknowledging the difficulties they face in effecting change from Opposition, he advised that the LNP was well aware of the deficiencies in the Act and was actively seeking ways in which it could support the necessary changes.

Members are assured that the ARPQ will, in the weeks and months ahead, continue to advocate strongly for reforms which will assure better protection of the interests of homeowners.

# From the Presidents Corner as printed in the ARPQ Argus March/April 2021

Home owners in garden