Bulletin – July 2022 ARPQ Response to the Issues Paper, DRAFT for Stakeholder Discussion

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DRAFT version for information of and feedback from members

ARPQ is currently working on writing a response to the Issues Paper for Consultation with Stakeholders published by the Department as part of the Review of Site Rent Increases and Sale of Homes in Residential Parks. Our work on it is far from finished, though we think that we have a reasonably good idea of what the man points we will make in the final version will look like.

We wish to share with home owners two versions of what our response as it currently stands looks like the short version is designed as a summary of our views. While the full version contains much more detailed explanations of them. It is the longer version that we intend to submit when it is finalised.

Click on the green button below to find a pdf of the short version and the orange button below to find a pdf of the full version all on our website.

Our purposes in sharing at this time are:

         i.        To give home owners an insight into the way ARPQ is going to respond to the Issues paper and of the reforms we are aiming to achieve in order to address the problems we focus upon in our response.

        ii.        To provide home owners with an opportunity to give us feedback and have some input into the final form of our response to the Issues paper on behalf of home owners through the state.

ARPQ see this and future consultations that will take place as part of the Review as an important opportunity for home owners to have their say in bringing about changes for the better to the Manufactured Homes Act (the Act).  

ARPQ see this and future consultations that will take place as part of the Review as an important opportunity for home owners to have their say in bringing about changes for the better to the Manufactured Homes Act (the Act). 

We encourage members, particularly our HOC association members, to submit a response of their own to the Issues Paper.  We trust that those who do so will find the ARPQ response of use in helping them in writing their own.

It is not necessary for all responses to be long or detailed. The important thing is that they let the Government and the DCHDE know what the main problems in relation to site rent increases and the sale of homes are for home owners under the current Act. 

ARPQ Committee –16 July 2022